Salerno Coastal Protection Works
The project concerns the coastal protection of Salerno littoral; it is divided in four ambits according to the location: ambit 1, in the northern part of Salerno coast (L 1000 m), isn’t included in the project; ambit 2, included between the Irno mouth and Marina of Pastena (L 1700 m); ambit 3, included between the Marina of Pastena and Marina of Arechi (L 2100 m);
ambit 4, included between the Marina of Arechi and the Picentino mouth (L 2200 m). As concerns the ambits 2 and 3, the protection system consists in a series of submerged breakwater in natural stones interspaced by gaps, parallel to the coastline at a distance of 150-200 m from it.
At the beginning and at the end, the breakwaters system is connected to the coast by semi-submerged groins. Behind the breakwaters it will be realized an artificial sand nourishment of 40-50 m width; the sand will be pro-vided by the dredging works of the Salerno commercial harbour area. As what concerns ambit 4, the protection will be realized with a mixed system, both by submerged breakwater interspaced by gaps, both by semi-submerged groins The works have been com-pleted for a first part of ambit 3 (L 1000 m) and now they are in progress for the second part of this ambit. In the next years the ambit 2 and 4 will be realized.